
To promote the growth of a responsible, thriving and legitimate cannabis industry and establish a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for Thai cannabis entrepreneurs. The Thailand Cannabis Entrepreneurs Association was founded on the principle of strength in numbers. The thousands of Thai businesses involved in our legal cannabis industry represent a significant force for the Thai economy.

We are the most influential trade association in the country representing the diverse interests of the cannabis industry

The Thai Cannabis Entrepreneurs Association (TCEA) was formed to unite the legal cannabis industry to help educate and act as a resource to lawmakers and our members. We are the most influential trade association in the country representing the diverse interests of the cannabis industry: retail, cultivation, manufacturing, delivery, distribution, testing, insurance, packaging, and others. Our unified voice includes 20.000 businesses and represents nearly 500.000 employees across the country.

Who Are We?

We are entrepreneurs who teamed up to build a cannabis industry in Thailand. We amplify the voices of our members and advocate for a cannabis industry with opportunity for thousands of entrepreneurs. With members stretched across the supply chain from seed-to-sale, and in every area of the country. Through our policy and regional committees, we work to engage with the various communities of interest within the Thai cannabis economy. Since our founding in 2023, we are helping draft multiple laws and countless regulations to build a cannabis industry that benefits businesses of all sizes.