We are the most influential trade association in the country representing the diverse interests of the cannabis industry

The Thai Cannabis Entrepreneurs Association (TCEA) was formed to unite the legal cannabis industry to help educate and act as a
resource to lawmakers and our members. We are the most influential trade association in the country representing the diverse
interests of the cannabis industry: retail, cultivation, manufacturing, delivery, distribution, testing, insurance, packaging, and others.
Our unified voice includes 20.000 businesses and represents nearly 500.000 employees across the country.

Protecting Small Businesses
We are consistently advocating on behalf of cannabis
businesses to advance a comprehensive regulatory framework
that achieves important policy objectives encouraging
investment and innovation, protecting small businesses, and
enhancing public and consumer safety.

Public Safety and Health
TCEA is determined to continue to work diligently with the
legislature, the Administration, and the licensing
authorities on open-market regulations and solutions
that foster a robust cannabis industry while prioritizing
public safety and health.